Meditatii matematica,

Matematica nu este o materie care se poate invata intr-o luna sau doua, mai ales daca elevul nu stapaneste concepte de baza si are examene in viitorul apropiat! Scopul meu este sa ajut elevii de gimnaziu si liceu (clasa 4a-12a) sa fie printre cei mai buni din clasa, sa treaca examenele cu note exceptionale, ca sa poate sa aspire la un viitor mai bun. La bacalaureat am luat 9.70 din 10, iar la facultate aici in Chicago am obtinut 3.7 GPA din 4.

Va rog sa imi scrieti cu detalii la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. cu titlul “Re: Meditatii Matematica, North-side Chicago” daca sunteti interesati. Prefer North Chicago si North-West Suburbs ca sa fie efficient cu costul si transportul. Romanian and/ or English ok.




Tutoring Math,

Mathematics is not the kind of material one can learn in a month or two, especially if the student is lacking fundamental skills and has exams coming up in the near future! I am looking to help secondary and high-school students (4th to 12th grade) to be among the first in class, pass the exams and reach their future goals. I got 9.7/10 for the baccalaureate exam and 3.7/4 GPA here in Chicago University.

Please email me with details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Re: Math Tutoring, North-side Chicago” if you are interested. I prefer North Chicago and NW Suburbs to keep it cost efficient. Romanian and/ or English ok.

Thank you,
