Fleet manager assistant. 

Great opportunity for a skilled truck driver who wants to stay in business but be closer to his family.

Duties include:

Driver training

Checking in and out trucks for new/terminating drivers

Equipment inventory 

Remote driver's support while they are on the road


Valid CDL

Knowledge of English and Russian, other languages will be a plus

We are looking for goal oriented, responsible and proactive person who is willing to work.


What we offer:

- Stable employment conditions

- Bonuses

- Paid vacations

- Salary is based on experience and workload

Interesting job, comfortable work environment and great team are waiting for a right candidate. 


Please, email or call if you want to change your life for better. 

ph. 312.883.5508 or email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Companie in continua crestere cauta un baiat muncitor si responsabil ca asistent fleet manager. O oportunitate minunata pentru un sofer de camion care doreste sa fie aproape de familie dar sa ramana in acelasi business. 


- training la noii soferi in PTI, load securement si Brakes sau cunostinte de baza si dornic sa invete 

- verificat camioanele si pregatit camioanele de drum, verificat camioanele cand vin la parcare 

- inventar la ehipament, eliberat echipament la soferi 

- asistenta la soferi cu reparatii pe drum sau alte nevoi pentru camioane, gasit shopuri


- cdl valid 

- vorbitor de limba rusa si engleza 

- abilitati de comunicare, dornic sa inveti, responsabil si muncitor


- angajare pe termen lung 

- vacante platite, zile bolnave platite

- bonusuri 

- salar bazat pe experienta si pe volumul de lucru, dar si dorinta de a invata ce nu cunosti si interesul care il depui pentru a invata

- echipa tanara, activa, un colectiv vesel si muncitor, vineri lunch oferit de companie.

Suna azi daca vrei sa iti schimbi viata in bine si sa ni te alaturi 

tel: 312.883.5508 sau email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.