Caut de lucru, incepand cu data de 2 oct. Vorbesc fluent engleza(si scris), am experienta ca ospatar, reciving,cabin stwart...., accept sa lucrez orice job ( chiar si in constructii ).Posed permis de conducere SUA, am 30 de ani, sincer, muncitor,bun lucrator in echipa.( asa am fost catalogat de mai toti fosti mei colegi).Ofer maxima seriozitate in schimbul oricarui job decent. Astept mesajele Dv. la adresa  ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Orice informatie si/sau oferta este mai mult decat apreciata din partea mea.

Va multumesc, Dragos.